Embodied Metaphors

do 20 februari 2020 (09.30 tot 16.15)

The Silent Communication of Somatic Symptoms in the Family System

Studiedag met de Italiaanse psychiater en gezinstherapeut Camillo Loriedo.

Type evenement: 


Inleiding en moderatie
prof. Peter Rober (PhD), relatie- en gezinstherapeut

Psychiater en gezinstherapeut dr. Camillo Loriedo (Italië).

Somatic symptoms are the physical representation of unexpressed but intense family emotions. The entire family body is shaped in a peculiar interaction style that reproduces an embodied metaphor of internal conflicts and uneasiness. While verbal communication is rich but cold and inexpressive, body language and physical interactions silently depict stories that include both children and parents that tend to increase their emotional intensity, in the desperate search for someone who can pay attention and understand them.

Somatization, Conversion and Dissociation are three different ways of producing individual and family embodied metaphors and, consequently, different interaction modes the therapist should identify in order to apply dedicated forms of intervention.

The individual and family cycle that produces somatic complaints will be described, and the specific intervention models will be detailed. Clinical cases and demonstrations will be utilized to demonstrate how the family body can acquire a more functional shape.



broodjeslunch inbegrepen

  • 120 euro
  • medewerkers UPC KU Leuven: kostprijs wordt intern verrekend



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Embodied Metaphors - Studiedag UPC KU Leuven
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